Allfloors will be closed for the local Bank Holiday on Friday 27th September, and will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 1st October.

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Top tips whilst at home

Having to self-isolate can be a scary prospect. We are continually being updated as the news is changing every day about the Coronavirus.

As we are unable to leave our homes, this seems like the perfect opportunity to do all those little tasks around the house that you always intended on doing. Taking control of your home can be positive for your mindset. This will keep your body AND mind active.

Keeping your morning routine

Keeping a routine whilst working from home is important. This is important for your mental health as well as trying to create a bit of normalcy. Getting up early, or at least not right before you have to start getting work done, will give you some time to really get into the routine. Have some breakfast, turn the TV on, take some time for yourself before getting into the working headspace. For people who don’t usually work from home and have a daily commute, having this time of preparation can be the equivalent of the time it takes to get to work. Put more simply: don’t jump out of bed and start working right away.

This is the perfect opportunity to do all those little tasks around the house


As most of us will be working from home now, it would be wise to separate your workspace from your home space as much as possible. You don’t want to think you’re stuck in a 24/7 office! While some may have an office space, others will have to get creative. This also doesn’t mean you need to order a brand-new desk! If your dining table is your workspace, make sure to change your seat when dinner time comes around – a change of scenery! This may seem like an insignificant change but having a different view for working and in the evening can make a whole lot of difference.

Tidy up your work stuff at the end of the working day. This will ensure to separate home from work.

Organisation is key

When working from home, you can tend to have a lot of loose bits of paper lying around. Once you’ve cleared space (refer to previous point), organise your work papers into a drawer or some sort of filing system. There is something sort of therapeutic in having a clean, clear and organised working space. You know where everything is, when you need it. It will save you the time and stress of frantically looking around the house for something important.

Using the time wisely

We can’t leave the house; however this shouldn’t stop you finishing the small tasks around the house that you’ve been intending on doing. We all have something we know we need to do, but have been avoiding. This can be organising a cupboard, getting rid of things you’ve been hoarding, replacing a light bulb, fixing a squeaky door etc. Anything around the house that needs fixed, cleaned, changed or thrown out : now is the time.

This is the perfect opportunity to do all those little tasks around the house

Taking this time at home to be productive and make the most out of the situation can bring some much needed calm into the coming weeks. Use and utilise this time, the best way for you. Want a virtual quote? Send your floor measurements to and we will get back to you!

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